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2024-02-23 16:48:05

Kitten breaking change: Route handlers, etc., now take parameter objects
Just pushed the API updates I’d posted about earlier to main and to the latest Kitten release.
This change affects:
- Route handlers (all types of routes)
- `onConnect()` handlers
- The default export on main.script.js files
I’ve updated all the examples, documentation, etc., on Kitten to use the new API but if you see anything I’ve missed, please let me know.

Screenshot of the ubiquitous counter example (Kitten version) in Kitten’s readme on

1. Create a directory for the example and enter it:

mkdir counter
cd counter

2. Create a file called and add the following content to it:

if (kitten.db.counter === undefined) kitten.db.counter = { count: 0 }

export default () => kitten.html`
  <page css>
  <${Count} />
  <button name='update' connect data='{value: -1}' aria-label='decrement'>…
2024-02-27 07:26:22

Observation of the In-plane Anomalous Hall Effect induced by Octupole in Magnetization Space
Wenzhi Peng, Zheng Liu, Haolin Pan, Peng Wang, Yulong Chen, Jiachen Zhang, Xuhao Yu, Jinhui Shen, Mingmin Yang, Qian Niu, Yang Gao, Dazhi Hou
2024-03-26 08:57:49

This has been replaced.
initial toot:…